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A man gunned down three of his Muslim neighbors near The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Two of the neighbors were wearing hijabs, a traditional Muslim veil. This man killed these three students solely because of their faith. The Duke University Imam, Abdullah Antepli, said that since the shooting, many of the students' parents have begged him to convince their daughters not to wear their hijabs. They feel they are unsafe expressing their freedom of religion, which is very disturbing.  

Feberuary 10, 2015

In The



A gay couple from Philadelphia was beaten by a group of people because of their sexuality. Before the couple was beaten, the mob was yelling homophobic slurs and seemed intoxicated. It is legal in America to be gay yet everyday people are threatened because they are not straight. 

September, 2014


At San Jose State College, four white students were charged with hate crimes committed against their black roommate. These students would refer to their roommate as "Three-fifths" and "Fraction" which is how the government used to count slaves. They have also displayed a confederate flag and put a bicycle lock around their roommate's neck. Racial bias should no longer be a problem in this country, yet it is still thriving in the worst way. 

November 22, 2013

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Everyday across America, a hate crime is being committed against minority groups. A hate crime refers to a crime in which a victim is targeted because of the victim's real or perceived group membership, which can be defined by race, religion, and sexual orientation among other things. When a hate crime is committed, that person is breaking a civil rights law that protects every citizen of the United States. Violence against minorities has decreased, however it is still an issue our society faces.  

Acts of violence against race is the biggest category of hate crimes with 48.5%. Right behind that is one of the newest acts of hate crimes, hate crimes because of sexual orientation with 20.8%. There are many theories as to why people think it is okay to commit this crime, such as the media. 

The media has a huge impact on the perceptions of people and the way we view violence as a whole. Children now see about 8,000 murders by the end of elementary school, and about 200,000 violent acts by the age of 18. Since the representation of violence in our media is so predominant, it has been shown that even though hate crimes have decreased in the last 30 years, people believe that the world is a more dangerous place than it was last year. The media, in efforts of increasing the amount of viewers, will broadcast news stories already surrounding the bias of those who are unrepresented of minorities.

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